Friday, February 25, 2011

Marketing products . . .

This week, I have been working some really exciting marketing materials for M3 and I can't wait to share them with everyone! One marketing piece has already been sent to the printer and I am super excited to see the finished product!

While the other one . . . . it's just about done, but with a few extra kinks that will need to be changed before sending it to the printers! And, let me say . . . I am really excited to share with everyone the new design product!  Without giving too much away, I will tell you a little bit about it.

Its called the Referral Rewards! Whats that? You ask . . . without saying too much, I will say that for every 4 clients that you refer to M3 - I will give a $50 check or a Free Photography Session! 
I know pretty awesome, right?!

 My guess is, all of you are on the edge of your chair wishing to know more  . . .  but you will have to come  back here in the next week or so and check it! 

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