I realized that most of you reading this blog don't really know about me or M3DSIGN + STUDIO, so let me tell you how and why I got started . . . . I will try and make it entertaining and somewhat short! :)
M3 was created in February 2009 , so in a way it only makes sense that I tell now since we are still in February! Before, I start let me say, it takes alot of drive, energy and learning to keep procrastination to a minimum
(which is sometimes not always the easiest!) to start a business. But not only start a business but to be constantly brainstorming and designing new material for your business. Long run . . . I see it being worth the time and energy!
So let me rewind a bit . . . .
I graduated from Fontbonne Univesity in 2008 with a Bachelors in Fine Arts | Graphic Design. Let me just say for everyone who is reading this and who might of graduated in 2008 it was bittersweet! I say bittersweet because even though we were all excited to be in the "real world" and start living our lives as true adults! It was pretty much at the same time when the Recession hit and was at its worst! Which meant. . . . jobs were far and in between, and that expensive education you just earned during those 4 years wasn't necessarily going to mean you were gonna get that a fancy new job right away. It meant getting a job that pays but necessarily what you want. At least it was in my experience. . .
So in 2009, I decided to take a leap and start my own business! I have always known that the family business of 401k's, benefits plus, employee benefits, healthcare and overall insurance was never going to be a niche or in my future. . . .
(Im still young, so who knows . . . . maybe way, way, way, way down the road I will be a insurance sales lady!) But all of you can keep that last sentence on the DL! :) I saw it as . . . my dad started a business at my age so why not do the same but just not focus in Insurance!
I decided to call my business : M3DSIGN - I choose it, because I wanted it to be unique and different. M3 stands for my initials (megan marie maher) . I choose to spell DESIGN, incorrectly- not because I am a bad speller but for the sole purpose of it being different and unique !
For the first year or so, I was really trying focus on the graphic design and merely offering design services to business and individuals. But later down the road, I decided to add on M3DSIGN
+ STUDIO, it was my way of saying, I not only do design but photography!
It is now February 2011, somewhat of a M3 anniversary of sorts! I am also, proud to say, that I have booked my first wedding as the primary photographer which I am really excited about! I have more clients than when I started
(which - if i didn't that might be a major issue and maybe the insurance life would be in my future--- but shhh, about the insurance thing- we can't let "them" get any ideas! :) ) Honestly, I am just really excited to see where my future will go with my business! Sometimes I wish I could see a mini future glimpse, but I suppose I will just have to take it day by day!